Yoga classes in Buxton
Sue teaches yoga classes suitable for the complete beginner or regular yogis. There are 2 different types that you can join in with:
- Hatha flow (1 hour): In these classes there is a focus on the yoga postures themselves and how to do them effectively, as well as some flow work, meaning that we flow from pose to pose. There is a focus on strength, flexibility, balance, posture, breath, relaxation and meditation.
- Yin (45 mins): These classes are slooooow. All floor based with poses held for around 3-5 minutes. This allows the muscles to be completely relaxed and supported by yoga props or cushions so that the connective tissues can find space. As well as increasing flexibility and promoting relaxation, it has links with emotional and physical healing of various body systems.
Classes are friendly and relaxed, and suitable for most people.
If you want to know more then check out the FAQ page or get in touch.
Class location
Morning and Evening Classes on Tuesdays and Fridays
Buxton Methodist Church
Go through the doors on the left with the stairwell ahead. We are in the room upstairs.
Schedule and booking
Please book your individual session, 10 class bundle or monthly pass using our booking portal below.
If you’ve not been to any of our classes before or for over 12 months then you’ll need to complete a health questionnaire. This can be done through the link below or through the prompt within the booking app Gymcatch.
Not got the app yet? For easier booking of all your Accidental Fitness classes use the free Gymcatch app!
Click the links below for more details.
Kind words from our accidental tribe!
Class Tips!
All classes are suitable for the beginner and improver. I offer higher and lower options throughout the classes so they are very accessible. We focus on strength as well as stretching, with posture improving exercises, balances and core work. It’s important to me that you should enjoy your yoga practice, so feel free to giggle, ask questions and bring a friend!
Once you’re booked on, all you’ll need is a yoga mat. Feel free to bring any other yoga equipment you have and a blanket, a bottle of water, eye pillow etc. If you’re looking to purchase some yoga equipment I can highly recommend the folks at and if you use the code ‘ACCIDENTAL10’ at checkout then you get 10% off!
Types of yoga that Sue teaches:
Hatha flow (1 hour): In these classes there is a focus on the yoga postures themselves and how to do them effectively, as well as some flow work, meaning that we flow from pose to pose. There is a focus on strength, flexibility, balance, posture, breath, relaxation and meditation.
Yin (45 minutes): These classes are slooooow. All floor based with poses held for around 3-5 minutes. This allows the muscles to be completely relaxed and supported by yoga props or cushions etc so that the connective tissues can find space. Yin yoga also links with Eastern medicine with the fascial lines of the body following the meridian lines. As well as increasing flexibility and promoting relaxation, it has links with emotional and physical healing of various body systems.